Last Updated: Jan 27, 2023     Views: 5107

TCU students, faculty and staff:

To access the TCU Library, TCU students, faculty, and staff need to use their TCU ID. TCU ID card holders may access the library during posted hours by using the library's exterior card swipe stations at the west and east entrances. 

Other visitors:

Visitors (including TexShare and TCU alumni) must present a photo ID and sign in for each visit to the library. Minors must be accompanied by parents or guardians. Visitors entering by the west entrance (facing University Drive) should sign in at the west entrance desk, and visitors entering via the east entrance should sign in at the Library Services desk.

We welcome visitors during our visitor hours. Please check the library hours  page for current visitor hours. Generally, the Library's outside doors lock at 8pm and visitors are not allowed entry after 8pm, and visitors who have entered prior to 8pm may stay until midnight. Please note: the Library may close earlier due to holidays and other special days, between semesters, and during the summer. Check our hours while planning your visit.

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