Last Updated: Aug 22, 2024     Views: 2417

Two rooms are located on the top floor of the library for graduate students. The rooms are intended to foster interdisciplinary collaboration along with space for serious study.

The Graduate Reading Rooms are open all hours that the library is open. Each room has a card swipe door control, allowing currently enrolled TCU and Brite graduate students and faculty to enter using their ID cards. The east room has a general reading area, computer lab with 10 computer stations configured with the same software as the IC Lab computers, the Brite Theological Librarian Office and Brite reference material; the other room has a general reading area and ten separate, smaller study rooms. The computers can print to the IC Lab printers. 

Dissertation Writing Rooms
Graduate students writing a dissertation may apply for one of ten Dissertation Writing Rooms for the full academic year. Registration is open for a short time before the start of the fall semester, when an announcement is made. Rooms are awarded by priority based on where the student is in the writing process. When registration is open, you may apply using this form.

Summer and Pre-Enrolled Access to Graduate Reading Rooms:

Graduate students not enrolled in courses during the current semester, and pre-enrolled fall semester graduate students do not have ID card access to these two rooms. These students may check out a key card from the Library Services desk to gain access to the Graduate Reading Rooms. The keys are checked out on a 12 hour loan with $1/hour fines.

Non-enrolled students needing access to Brite materials shelved in the east Graduate Reading Room may follow the procedure listed in this FAQ.

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