Last Updated: Jun 28, 2024 Views: 3273
Kanopy is a pay-per-view streaming video service that the library provides to the TCU community. As of November, there are 275+ titles already leased and available for unlimited viewing. TCU does provide access to most of the Kanopy collection.
If you are on the Kanopy interface, any film not listed below that you watch more than briefly will be paid for by the library.
Currently leased titles:
- 5 Broken Cameras - Non-Violent Resistance in the Middle East
- A Boy and His Dog
- A Long Way From Home - The Untold Story of Baseball's Desegregation
- A Nation of Drunkards
- A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese through American Movies - Part One
- A Place Called Chiapas - Eight Months Inside the Zapatista Uprising
- A Year in Champagne - The History of the Champagne Region in France
- Adult/Child / Economy / Editing
- After Stonewall
- After the Mayflower
- Agents of Change - The Longest Student Strike in U.S. History
- Aguirre, the Wrath of God - Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (playlist)
- Aimée & Jaguar
- Alice
- Alphaville
- Amador
- Amador
- American Denial - The Truth is Deeper than Black and White
- American Totem: Reckoning With Gun Cultures
- Amy - The Tragic Story of Amy Winehouse
- Antares
- Art With A Message - Protest And Propaganda, Satire & Social Comment
- Au revoir les enfants
- Bad Sugar
- Balcony
- Becoming American
- Bei Bei
- Belle de Jour
- Betting on Zero - The Crusade to Expose the Largest Pyramid Scheme in History
- Beyond Sorry
- Bicycle Thieves
- Birth of the Cinema
- Blurred Lines: Inside the Art World - Exploring the Contemporary Art World
- Born to Play
- Breathless - À bout de souffle
- Brilliant Moon: Glimpses Of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - A Buddhist Teacher
- Brooklyn Castle
- Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, Arches
- Change
- Chinese Take-Away - Un Cuento Chino
- Chocolate Babies
- Cities of Light: The Rise and Fall of Islamic Spain
- Ciunas - Silence
- Class Divide - Effects of Gentrification in West Chelsea, NYC
- Cleo From 5 to 7
- Climate Refugees - The Global Human Impact of Climate Change
- Cloudburst
- Coda
- Collateral Damage
- Come and See
- Company Town - Environmental Injustice, Corporate Accountability, & Community Action
- Conversation / Framing / Tracking
- Corpo Celeste
- Day of the Beast
- Death Valley and Great Basin: The Rift Zone
- Denial
- Design and Thinking
- Dial M for Murder
- Disorders Associated with Medical Illness (playlist)
- Disorders Associated with Mood Disturbance (playlist)
- Divided Heaven - Der geteilte Himmel
- Do Donkeys Act? - The Mystery and Intrigue of the Donkey
- Donnie Darko
- Educating Peter
- El Cacao: The Challenge of Fair Trade
- Elsa & Fred
- Embrace Of The Serpent - El abrazo de la serpiente
- Enemies of the People - Investigating the Cambodian Killing Fields
- Enron: The Smartest Guys In the Room
- Ethnic Notions - African American Stereotypes and Prejudice
- Everything is Copy - Nora Ephron: Scripted and Unscripted
- Ex Machina
- Feeding Frenzy - The Food Industry, Obesity and the Creation of a Health Crisis
- Feminism Inshallah - A History of Arab Feminism
- Fig
- From Selma to Soweto
- Frontline: The Facebook Dilemma (playlist)
- Gaumont Treasures 1897-1913, Part 1
- Genderfreak
- Gloria Bell
- Good Time
- Graduating Peter
- Great Smoky Mountains and Hot Springs
- Growing Up Poor in America
- Gumbo
- Guyland - Where Boys Become Men
- Haxan
- He Wouldn't Turn Me Loose - The Sexual Abuse Case of 96-year-old Miss Mary
- Higher Education - The New Global Economic War
- Holiday
- Homosexual Serial Killers - John Wayne Gacy and the Highway Killers
- Hopi: Songs of the Fourth World
- How to Live like a Stoic Sage
- Hunt for the Wilderpeople
- I Am Not Your Negro - James Baldwin and Race in America
- Ida
- Improving Adolescent Writers (playlist)
- In a Foreign Land (En Tierra Extraña) - Struggles of the Spanish Community in Scotland
- In Sickness and in Wealth
- Island Soldier - The Stories of Micronesian Soldiers Serving in the US Military
- It Was Rape
- Ixcanul
- Jeremiah
- Jonestown - The Life & Death of Peoples Temple
- Jules and Jim
- Ken Burns: The Central Park Five
- Killing Us Softly - Advertising's Image of Women (playlist)
- Kirschrot (Cherry-Red)
- Kumare
- Land of Storms
- Latinos Beyond Reel - Challenging a Media Stereotype (playlist)
- Le Quattro Volte
- Let The Fire Burn - Tragedy in Philadelphia
- Living on One Dollar - Fighting Poverty Through Empowerment and Understanding
- Lone Wolf and Cub: Sword of Vengeance
- Longing Nights
- Lords of Chaos
- Louise Bourgeois: The Spider, The Mistress and the Tangerine - A Modern Artist and Feminist Icon
- Love and Sex in an Age of Pornography - The Influence of Pornography on Young People
- Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom
- Ma Ma
- Man on Fire - A Texan Town and its Racist Roots
- Man On Wire
- Man With A Movie Camera - Musical Accompaniment by The Alloy Orchestra
- Maquilapolis: City of Factories - Activism for Low-Wage Workers in Mexico
- Mariam - A Young Muslim Girl Comes of Age
- Marina Abramovic: The Artist is Present
- Martin Eden
- Memories
- Metropolis
- Midnight
- Midsommar
- Misfits - LGBT Teens Coming Out in the Bible Belt
- Miss Representation
- Monsenor: The Last Journey of Oscar Romero
- Monsieur Lazhar
- Monterey Pop
- Mr. Hublot
- My Friend Dahmer
- My Life as a Turkey
- Nana - The Lives of Live-In Nannies
- Nanook of the North
- National Rivers: Gorges, Falls, and Meanders
- New American Independents & The Digital Revolution
- New Muslim Cool
- Night and Fog
- No Job for a Woman - Pioneering Women Reporters in WWII
- No Place To Grow
- Not Just a Game - Power, Politics & American Sports
- On This Side of the World
- Openings / Tone
- Orgasm Inc. - The Strange Science of Female Pleasure
- Our Language
- Over the Rainbow
- Owners of the Water: Conflict and Collaboration Over Rivers ("Tede'wa") (playlist)
- Panama Canal Stories - Historias del Canal
- Parasite
- Patema Inverted - Sakasama no Patema (playlist)
- Peace Officer - The Militarized State of American Police
- People Like Us - Social Class in America
- Phoenix
- Playtime
- Political Animals - Pioneering Women Who Paved the Way for LGBT Equality
- Pornland - How the Porn Industry Has Hijacked Our Sexuality
- Praying with Lior
- Precious Knowledge - Fighting for Mexican American Studies in Arizona Schools
- Prince Among Slaves
- Public Figure - The Psychological Effects of Social Media
- Pulse
- Pushout: the Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools
- Queen of the Desert
- Quest for Homeland
- Race - The Power of an Illusion (playlist)
- Reel Bad Arabs - How Hollywood Vilifies a People
- Requiem for the American Dream
- Ringu
- Rise of the Superbugs
- Road to Resistance
- Rock and a Hard Place - A Boot Camp Program Granting Incarcerated Young Men a Second Chance
- Romance
- Romance
- Rome Open City
- Room
- Rubble Kings - How Hip-Hop Culture Stopped Gang Violence
- Sagrada: The Mystery of Creation
- Salam
- Salesman
- Sauvage / Wild - Sauvage
- Senorita Extraviada - Crimes Against Women in Juarez Mexico
- Sex Slaves - The Global Sex Trade and its Victims
- Sherman's March
- Slaying the Dragon - Media Stereotypes of Asian & Asian American Women (playlist)
- Slim Hopes - Advertising & the Obsession with Thinness
- Social Animals - The Real and Digital Worlds of Today’s Teenagers
- SOMM: Into the Bottle - The History of Wine Through 10 Bottles
- Sophie's Choice
- Split: Divorce Through Kids' Eyes
- Stalker
- Sticky: A (Self) Love Story
- Still Around - 15 Short Films Commemorating the 30-year Anniversary of the Epidemic HIV Story Project
- Stolen Education - The Legacy of Hispanic Racism in Schools
- Stonewall
- Stranger By the Lake - L'inconnu du lac
- Subjects of Desire
- Summer With Monika
- Surviving Progress
- Suspiria
- Tainted Souls - Il contagio
- Teach Us All - Segregation and Education in the United States
- Terraferma
- The 400 Blows - Les quatre cents coups
- The Arrival of Sound
- The Art of Listening
- The Battle of Algiers
- The Bookshop
- The Buddha - A History of Buddhism
- The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
- The Child in Time
- The Codes of Gender - Identity & Performance in Popular Culture (playlist)
- The Disaster Artist
- The F Word
- The First Beautiful Thing - La Prima Cosa Bella
- The Grammar of Happiness - Discovering the Unique Communication Style of an Amazonian Tribe
- The Healthcare Divide
- The Kaiser's Lackey - Der Untertan (playlist)
- The Line King: The Al Hirschfeld Story
- The Mafia Kills Only in the Summer - La mafia uccide solo d'estate
- The Marriage of Maria Braun
- The Mask You Live In
- The Phone Call
- The Poison Squad
- The Power of Forgiveness
- The Scent Of Green Papaya
- The Seventh Seal
- The Silent Child
- The Slanted Screen - Hollywood’s Representation of Asian Men in Film & Television
- The Testament of Dr. Mabuse
- The Torment - L'enfer
- The True Welcome
- The Venerable W
- The Virgin Spring
- The Watermelon Woman
- The Watermelon Woman
- The Zone
- Theaters of War
- Three Identical Strangers
- Tiny - A Story About Living Small
- Titicut Follies - The Massachusetts State Prison for the Criminally Insane
- Totally F***ed Up
- Tough Guise - Violence, Media & the Crisis in Masculinity (playlist)
- Tough Guise 2 - Violence, Manhood & American Culture (playlist)
- Trail of Tears
- Treasure - Hate Crimes Against the Transgender Community
- Truman
- Two American Families
- Two Towns of Jasper
- Umberto D.
- Unbreathable
- United in Anger: A History of ACT UP - The Grassroots Movement to End the AIDS Crisis
- USA: Being Poor in the World's Richest Country
- Violeta Went To Heaven
- Violets
- Vita Activa: The Spirit of Hannah Arendt - The Life and Work of A Moral Philosopher
- Waging Change
- Wave
- Wendy and Lucy
- What's Race Got To Do With It? - Social Disparities and Student Success
- When Justice Isn't Just - Unarmed Police Incidents
- When the Bough Breaks
- White Like Me - Race, Racism & White Privilege in America
- Who Was Augustine of Hippo?
- Wilder Than Wild: Fire, Forests, and the Future
- William S. Burroughs - A Man Within
- Wings of Desire
- Winter's Bone
- You and The Night - Les rencontres d'après minuit
- Yuli
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