How and where do I borrow a laptop?


The library makes laptop computers, chargers, and carrying bags available for checkout from the Circulation desk. The maximum loan period for Windows laptops is four days. (A small number of Mac laptops are available for four-hour checkouts.) Although laptops, chargers, and bags can be checked out again after being returned, this service is not intended as a semester-long loan - it is not a substitute for purchasing your own computer. Rather it is intended to fill a temporary need when your computer is out for repair, or you were not able to bring it to campus for some other reason. The library does not have enough laptops to provide semester-long loans as a substitute for owning a personal computer.

(All borrowers of laptops must sign a Responsibility Agreement acknowledging that they accept responsibility for overdue fines and costs for replacement/repair of equipment that is returned damaged, or is lost.

Loan periods, overdue fines, and replacement costs for various equipment other than laptops and tablets are listed in the table below.



Loan Period

Overdue Fines

Replacement Costs

Windows Laptop Computers 4 days $2 per hour up to $1,500
Windows Laptop Chargers (only available with laptop checkout) 4 days   $80
Mac Laptop Computers 4 hours $5 per hour up to $2,000
Laptop Carrying Cases (only checked out with laptop) 4 days no fine, but must be returned with laptop $30
Calculators 4 hours $5 per hour up to $170

USB Universal Charging Cables

4 hours $1 per hour $25
Study Room Keys 3 hours $5 per hour


A/V Editing Room Keys 4 hours $5 per hour


Microphone Kit

4 hours

$15 per hour


Camera Kit 1 (JVC Everio R 4K camcorder, case, 32GB SD card, charger, small tripod)

2 days

$0.75 per day


Camera Kit 2 (JVC Everio R HD camcorder, case, 32GB SK card, charger) 2 days $0.75 per day


Manfrotto BeFree Video Tripod with Fluid Head

2 days

$0.75 per day



  • Last Updated Mar 23, 2023
  • Views 5141
  • Answered By Kerry Bouchard

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