What is Special Collections' official policy on obtaining copies?



Digital Copies Policy

Policy Statement and Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to guide the actions of Special Collections staff in assisting researchers by providing copies of research materials and to inform researchers of parameters around this service. This policy is external.

Policy Definitions



It is the policy of Special Collections, when possible, to make reproductions of collections materials in order to assist researchers. Digitization equipment in Special Collections is to be used only for materials in Special Collections, with exceptions when needed for materials in other parts of the Library's collections. With the exception of cell phone images made by researchers for their reference only (not for publication, display, or sharing publicly in any manner), all reproductions will be made by Special Collections staff or by a vendor designated by Special Collections.

Special Collections reserves the right to decline to reproduce items that, in the expert judgment of staff, could be damaged by attempts to reproduce them. In addition, the reproduction of certain materials may be prohibited by copyright law. Special Collections cannot guarantee that materials it may reproduce upon request are free of copyright restrictions. By signing a Digital Copies Request Form to initiate the making of copies, a requestor who is considering publication assumes the responsibility to investigate copyright when it has not explicitly been conveyed to TCU.

Special Collections is not able to reproduce three-dimensional items. It cannot duplicate or migrate audio or moving image items in-house. When funding permits, such formats will be considered for outsourcing to specialized vendors for digitization.

Fees for reproductions will be calculated using Special Collections' Schedule of Fees (located in the Digital Copies Request Form). Fees will not be charged to current TCU students, faculty, or staff unless a vendor's services are required. However, large orders may have to be limited at the discretion of Special Collections staff and will be processed, when necessary, in installments in order to allow the processing of other requests in a timely manner.

Photocopies and images requested for personal research use (not publication) will be made digitally using the equipment currently available in Special Collections (a Xerox Work Center 3655i copier/scanner as of December 1, 2022). Reproductions for which the Xerox machine is not appropriate will be made using various scanners available in Special Collections or with a camera. These will incur the higher "scanner or camera" rate listed in the Schedule of Fees. If a vendor must be hired, a handling/transport fee will be charged.

The first three pages copied for personal use will be provided free of charge to all researchers, after which the Schedule of Fees applies. Digital delivery of copies (by email or Box) is the preferred method, but small quantities of copies on paper may be provided to researchers at the discretion of Special Collections staff. Should a remotely-located researcher require paper copies to be mailed, the amount of the postage plus a handling fee will be added to the usual fee and all conditions stated above will apply.

By Texas law, sales tax must be charged on orders by Texas residents. Representatives of not-for-profit entities must furnish current proof of the organization's tax-exempt status to receive the reduced not-for-profit rate and an exemption from Texas sales tax. (https://www.wikihow.com/Verify-the-501(c)(3)-Status-of-a-Nonprofit)

Administrative Responsibility

Mary Couts Burnett Library

Policy History

Approved by Library Administrative Council 09/12/2022

Issued 09/23/2022 

Related Policies and Information

Digital Copies Request Form

  • Last Updated Feb 12, 2024
  • Views 99
  • Answered By Mary Saffell

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