What is TCU's 150 Years Exhibit Tour?




We invite you to walkthrough this exhibit to experience TCU’s history and collections throughout the library. The walking tour begins at Exhibit Stop #1: TCU’s 150 Years located at the library’s west entrance and includes 11 stops throughout the library.

Using this guide and accompanying map, head to exhibit spot #2 on the third floor. On your right is a set of stairs. Walk up one flight to the third floor leading up to the Music Library (follow the purple arrows).

If you prefer to take the elevator, it is located to your left. Ride to the third floor. The Music Library is to your left (follow the purple arrows). You’ve arrived at Exhibit Stop #2: Music Library & the Van Cliburn Collection

To find exhibit spot #3, exit the Music Library, turn left. Continue to the end of the hall, turn right (follow the purple arrows), to the Exhibit Stop #3: Farmayan Middle Eastern Collection

From here, head back to the stairwell or elevator down to the first floor to exhibit spot #4 (follow the purple arrows). When you exit the stairwell, turn left. If exiting the elevator, make an immediate left and then left again. Turn right at the end of the bookshelf (follow the purple arrows). Continue walking until you arrive at Exhibit Stop #4: Juvenile Collection & Mary Kay Varley Collection Items

Now on to exhibit spot #5. Return to the elevator or stairwell up to the second floor. When you exit the elevator or stairwell, head east to the Gearhart Reading Room, toward the bust of Caesar, can’t miss it. (Follow the purple arrows.) Enter the Gearhart Reading Room, turn left, to Exhibit Stop #5: The A.M. Pate Presidential and Vice-Presidential Collection & Pate-Newcomer Luxembourg Collection

From here, continue east through the Gearhart Reading Room. Exhibit Stop #6: Government Information

is located on your right in the alcove.

On to exhibit stop #7. Continue walking east into the Reference Reading Room, turn right (follow the purple arrows).  Walk to the Sumner Academic Heritage Room on the south side of the room to Exhibit Stop #7: Digital Archives & Repository

Head back to the Reference Reading Room and turn right at the reference desk (follow purple arrows). After passing through the gates, Exhibit Stop #8: TCU’s Art Collection, is on your right.

To the next exhibit, turn right and take elevators to the third floor. Turn right when you leave the elevator to Exhibit Stop #9: Amon G. Carter Collection

Turn around and walk down the hallway to Exhibit Stop #10: The Jim Wright Papers

Now for your final stop. Head back towards the elevators, turn right into Special Collections (follow the purple arrows). Stop #11: William Luther Lewis Collection, I.O. Lehman Collection, and the Mary Kay Varley Collection

Bring a photo of each stop on the exhibit tour to the library administration office for an amazing prize.

We hope you enjoyed the tour and learning about the wonderful collections housed in the TCU Library.

  • Last Updated Sep 19, 2023
  • Views 113
  • Answered By Derek Reece

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