What are the guidelines for faculty and student exhibits in the library?

Exhibit Guidelines for TCU Students and Faculty (includes Exhibit Planning Guide)

Exhibit Guidelines

  • Exhibits may be scheduled by current TCU students and faculty on a first-come basis and should be requested at least 30 days in advance of the desired date. The library reserves the right to refuse exhibit proposals.
  • Proposed exhibits must have educational and informational importance, and support the university curriculum.
  • Special Collections staff can advise exhibitors on the following: the type of material that can be displayed, exhibit space and available display cases, and logistics of installation.
  • Special Collections staff cannot assist exhibitors with the cost of materials and/or services related to the exhibit, planning and set up of receptions, pulling materials from the general circulating collection, or creating reserved booklists. (See Circulation staff for assistance with this)
  • Exhibitors are responsible for acquiring the necessary permissions and licenses for the use of any copyrighted materials, and documentation must be shared with Special Collections staff before installation.
  • Use of the library for receptions or events held in conjunction with an exhibit requires permission from library administration.
  • Physical installation of exhibit pieces must be coordinated with the library and if necessary, TCU Facilities Services at the expense of the exhibitor. Library staff cannot install pieces.
  • Exhibitors assume all financial responsibility for loss or damage to items, exhibit spaces, and display cases that may occur.
  • Exhibitors must make arrangements to remove items at the close of the exhibit. The library is not responsible for items left behind after the close of exhibits.

Installation Guidelines

  • The exhibitor will assume full responsibility for planning and arranging the installation and dismounting of the exhibit within the scheduled period.
  • At least 14 days in advance of the installation, exhibitors will meet with library staff to review the list of physical items for display, caption text, and installation logistics.
  • The exhibitor is responsible for the installation, removal, labeling, signage, logistics, and publicity of the exhibit.
  • No glue, duct tape, or heavy tape is allowed on walls, wood, or glass in the library.
  • Exhibits must satisfy public safety considerations and not create a physical hazard or impede regular library use.

Best Practices

  • Labels and captions should be concise (around 50 words).
  • Include the most important information at the beginning of the caption.
  • Ensure adequate contrast between text and background.
  • The suggested font size is 24 and should be no smaller than 14.  Avoid ornate fonts.
  • Captions should inform all viewers of the subject, not just those with specific knowledge.
  • Digital signage requirements: Graphics must be 3840 x 1080.


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Kerri Menchaca


Guidelines approved 11/14/2023



  • Last Updated Jan 30, 2024
  • Views 17
  • Answered By Mary Saffell

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