Last Updated: Dec 14, 2022     Views: 392

Most online resources listed on the library website can be accessed from anywhere in the world. The only difference you will see when using them from off-campus is that you'll be prompted to log on with your TCU username and password after clicking on the link to the resource. If the logon does not work for you, please contact us.

  • Using a bookmark that goes directly to an online resource (bypassing the library website) will often not work from off campus, since the remote site has no way of knowing that you are affiliated with TCU. Since our resources change frequently, it is best to go through the library website for access. If you do bookmark a direct link to a remote database or e-journal, use the URL you find on the library website as the bookmark URL (for example: for the Academic Search Premier database).
  • If you are a faculty or staff member using a VPN connection from home, you may need to turn off the VPN connection when accessing online library resources. (This is required if the library website doesn't prompt you to log on before sending you on to the remote site, but the remote website does then prompt you to log on.)

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