Course reserves provide a method to ensure that materials are available to students on a limited basis and that all students in a course will have an opportunity to access the materials.
You can currently place online/digital material on Online Reserve only.
Items that can be placed on reserve:
Copyrighted material can be placed on reserve for one semester, or nonconsecutive (e.g. Fall and Fall, Spring and Spring) semesters, without securing permission from the publisher.
If you wish to place material on reserve for two or more semesters in a row (e.g., both Fall and Spring, or both Spring and Summer), note this on the submission form, and the library will attempt to secure permission for use of the material by contacting the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC). The library will pay up to $50 per title and up to $300 per course in permissions fees. If fees for any single title are more than $50, or if the total fees for the course exceed $300, the list of titles and fees will be sent to the instructor for review. If the instructor requests to have the material exceeding the $50/$300 limits put on online reserve, the balance will be paid from the department's book budget.
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