Last Updated: Jan 27, 2023     Views: 2485

TCU students, faculty and staff

Your TCU ID card is also your library card.  TCU ID cards are valid while you are affiliated with the university.  You may get a new or replacement card at the TCU ID Card Center in the Brown Lupton University Union (BLUU).   


Visitors to the TCU Library will need to complete a borrowing application and present a current TexShare card and photo ID at the circulation desk just inside the front door of the library.  Your TCU borrowing card will expire twice a year on either December 15 or May 15. Please hold on to the card and bring it along with a current TexShare card after expiration to renew for the following period.  Replacement cards will be billed at $10.00 per card.

TCU alumni

TCU alumni will need to complete a borrowing application by presenting a photo ID at the circulation desk just inside the front door of the library. Replacement cards will be billed at $10.00 per card.

Friends of the TCU Library

Friends of the TCU Library application can be turned into the Library Administration Office.  A Friends of the TCU Library card will be processed within two business days.

Clark Society

TCU-issued Clark Society ID cards are used as a borrowing card.

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