Last Updated: Dec 14, 2022     Views: 2373

Currently 31 group study rooms are available between Rees-Jones Hall and the Library. You may book a room for 3 hours at a time, up to 24 hours in advance. There is a limit of 2 reservations per day. (You may sometimes see reservations on the calendar more than 24 hours in advance -- these are reservations that Library staff have made at the request of the TCU administration.)

Room Reservations

Use the Room Reservations webpage to check availability and book study rooms. Descriptions of each room, including how many people it holds, are available on the calendar -- just click on the room number. Each room description also links to a map showing the location of group study rooms on that floor of the building.

Room Equipment

All rooms have wireless access for computing, and all but 3 study rooms in the west side of the library include AirMedia wireless technology for letting laptops, smart phones and tablets share control of the monitor mounted to the wall in each room. Walls in the new study rooms with Air Media are "writable" walls; the older study rooms in the west side of the Library have dry erase boards available.

Room Reservation Policy

If a study room is not currently booked you may use it without booking it, but groups who reserved the room online have priority and you may be asked to vacate the room during their scheduled time. Room Wizards will show red during the times they are booked.

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