Last Updated: Jul 11, 2024     Views: 7627

quick link: FrogScholar - Advanced Search 

What is FrogScholar?

FrogScholar is a discovery tool that searches the library catalog and most (but not all) online databases and journal articles. Research LibGuides are also included in the FrogScholar index. For most searches, FrogScholar will generate thousands of hits, but you can narrow your search in various ways by checking boxes that appear to the left of your search results.

You want to quickly locate journal articles, books, videos, music and other material on a given topic without being limited to a particular type of material (such as books versus journal articles) or subject area (such as a specialized database).

When not to use the full (everything) FrogScholar search -

  • You're looking for specialized information such as financial data, chemical formulas, demographic statistics, maps, etc. Some databases that contain this kind of information are not indexed in FrogScholar, and even if they are, going directly to the database may give you many useful search options that FrogScholar doesn't provide.
  • Your research is within a fairly narrow subject area, and you don't want all the "extra" hits that FrogScholar is likely to list along with the hits in that subject area. Again, using a specialized database may be your better option.

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