Last Updated: Jun 28, 2024     Views: 216

In any search result list on ScienceDirect, simply click on "PDF" to view the needed article.

If you do not see the "PDF" button, instead click on "Order Document." You will taken to a page that asks for your contact information. Fill out this form, which will tell the library that you would like us to order that article and send it to your TCU email address. If we are able to order the article, we will send it to you in approximately one business day.

Policies in regard to ScienceDirect using the "Order Document" feature:

  • Science Direct articles are provided to patrons with a TCU email address including but not limited to TCU undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, and staff. ScienceDirect articles will not be emailed to non-TCU email addresses.
  • There is a limit of 5 article requests per day per person and a limit of 25 article requests total in a calendar year.

Contact persons:

Lydia Pyburn:
Jill Kendle:
Jeff Bond:
Alysha Sapp:

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