How do I get an event announcement displayed on the Information Commons screen savers?


The library will post announcements of upcoming events on the Information Commons computer screen savers when requested by TCU departments and student organizations registered with the Office of Student Organizations and/or student organizations that have a faculty sponsor. Guidelines are as follows:

  • The announcement should announce an upcoming event, not advocate ideas and opinions.
  • Announcements should conform to the Promotional Signage Policy in the Student Code of Conduct and list name and contact info for the organization or department.
  • Announcements for off-campus events will be posted only if the TCU organization or department is directly involved with organizing it – screen savers advertising non-TCU organized events will not be posted.
  • Announcements will be posted for a maximum of two weeks. Please specify the day you would like the announcement to begin appearing, and optionally the last day to appear in your request. There is a limit of one screen saver per event.
  • Announcements should be sent at least one week prior to the first day you would like it to appear.
  • Announcements may not contain text or images likely to be offensive to others. The Library will review text and graphics for conformance to this policy, and reserves the right to request revisions or reject any announcement outright.
  • In rare circumstances, such as early closings due to weather, the Library may pre-empt other announcements in order to provide timely information about an unscheduled event.

When multiple announcements have been requested during a given time period, the “slideshow” screen saver will cycle from one to the next, displaying each for one minute.

Technical Requirements/Suggestions

  • Announcements should be in the form of a JPG, GIF, or PNG file, or a graphic embedded in an MS Word file. Maximum size is 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels tall.
  • Since the IC lab computer screens have a landscape orientation, horizontal layouts are easier to see from far away.
  • You may include URLs for web pages with more information about the event.  However, keep in mind that users will not be able to click on the URL, so the URL needs to be short enough for users to write down quickly.

To post an announcement or get more information, contact IC lab managers Desmond Hemphill and include your screen saver as a file attachment if it is ready. Please state the name of your organization in your email message.

  • Last Updated May 13, 2024
  • Views 1417
  • Answered By Kerry Bouchard

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