Can I install my own software on a computer in the Information Commons?


The library does not install personal copies of software on Information Commons lab computers, both for security and licensing reasons. If there is free software that you feel should be added to the computer lab software suite, then please send us the details, and we will take it under consideration. In the case of commercial software being used for a course, if it is felt that students would benefit by having this software installed on the IC lab computers, please have the instructor or department head contact us at and we will check on the cost of licensing the software for lab use. (Please note that since access to IC lab computers is on a first-come, first-served basis, licenses restricted to one or a few lab computers will generally not be useful, since we can’t guarantee that those particular computers will be available at any given time.)

Users with special needs covered by ADA should contact the Coordinator of Student Disabilities Services in the Center for Academic Services located in Sadler Hall 16.  The Coordinator can also be contacted at TCU Box 297710, Fort Worth, TX 76129 or at 817-257-6567.

  • Last Updated Mar 23, 2023
  • Views 285
  • Answered By Kerry Bouchard

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