What format and program should I use to scan documents on the PCs in the IC?


The PCs in the Information Commons offer several different options for scanning images and documents. This list explains which ones are good for what purpose.


Can store multi-page documents in a single file that can easily be sent trhough e-mail or placed on a website.
For images you plan to edit, use JPEG or TIFF methods.

JPEG (300dpi)

For scanning documents, photographs, and other images. It yields reasonably small files with good quality that are also suitable for printing. If the files are to be used on a website, edit them with Photoshop and change the resolution to 72dpi.

JPEG (600dpi)

Suitable for when you plan to print or archive a document or image. The files will be large. If you require uncompressed archival quality, scan to TIFF files at 600dpi.

TIFF (600dpi)

For scanning images or documents needing archival quality, or images or documents that you plan to enlarge to poster-sized prints. This file type and size peserves all detail that the scanner recorded.
The files will be huge -- and 30-70MB per page -- so make sure you have a way to store them.

600dpi PDF

Use this when you need to scan to PDF with the highest quality.

300dpi Bitmap (BMP)

Use this format only if the software you plan to use to edit the file requires it.


  • Last Updated Sep 19, 2022
  • Views 268
  • Answered By Kerry Bouchard

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