How do I find videos?


The TCU Library houses a media library of DVD/VHS videos and offers access to online (streaming) videos in addition.

Browse/search options

Browse popular film and TV titles on DVD/Blu-ray/VHS videos using links found in "Popular films & TV” or by means of various call number and keyword searches.

Search for any type of video (online or media collection) using the “FrogScholar” search box at; after clicking SEARCH, select “Videos” as Material Type. Be sure to sign in at the upper right of the screen in order to fully access online content.

To search only DVD, Blu-ray, or VHS (media collection) videos, use FrogScholar's Advanced Search, selecting the "Library Catalog" option and "Material Type" Video/Film. After clicking SEARCH, on the results page select Location: Media Library to limit to physical (non-streaming) videos.

Browse or search for streaming videos in various databases starting from the Databases tab "Video" list or choose the "Video from databases" tab in the Video Resources Guide, which contains a curated list of streaming video databases.


Helpful hint:  call numbers must be presented to Music/Media Library staff to retrieve Media Library (DVD/VHS) video recordings.  The library catalog and FrogScholar show these call numbers plus “location” links.

  • Last Updated Jul 12, 2024
  • Views 1127
  • Answered By Laura Ruede

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