How do I find popular movies, TV, and feature films on DVD, Blu-ray or VHS video?
You can search for DVD/VHS movies, TV, and other videos in the catalog in much the same way you search for other items, as detailed in "Browsing and selecting film/video," linked from the Music/Media Library web page.
You can also use the links below to browse available films by type, release date or genre:
DVD video list links: | |
Feature films | New feature films |
Foreign (non-English language) films | Silent films |
Television programs | New television programs |
Popular Genres (DVD): | |||
Action/adventure | Animated | Biography | Comedy |
Crime | Documentary | Family | Fantasy |
Film noir | History | Horror | Musicals & Operas |
Mystery | Romance/romantic comedy | Science fiction | Sports |
Thrillers | War | Western |
Note: film lists spawned by the above links may not include all titles owned by the library. If you want to see all titles held by the library, including those that are checked out, you'll need to search as directed in "Browsing and selecting film/video."
More popular films:
Popular film content is gradually being added to some of the TCU Library's streaming (online) video databases.
The Video Resources Guide is available for more details and helpful hints.
Contact: Laura Ruede,